Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Well, I have been working on knitting ruffle scarves for Christmas. I thought it would be difficult but it has been easy. It is time comsumming on making these scarves, once I have one completed I will post a picture of them before I wrap them up. I have finished my dish clothes that I am giving as gifts, I didn't take any pictures of those and I wrapped them this past weekend. Here is the link to the Ombre dish cloth. It is a easy pattern and I think it is great for beginners.

Now since I have been transitioning from relaxed hair to natural. I have been loving my hair and trying to understand (lol) my hair. Yesterday it rain and my hair was like a puff ball lol! Well, I had a talk with my hair last night and this morning we understood each other. I had to spend a little more time moisturizing and pampering. I am loving the Cantu Shea Butter leave-in conditioner, my hair looks great this morning. In January I am going to get my ends trimmed some more (hurray).  I will start taking pictures and adding it to my blog so you can see my new look.

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